paraphrasing How to make your sentences more engaging We all know the power of truly engaging writing. Here are five simple techniques that will bring some instant pizzazz to your writing – regardless of the intent.
paraphrasing How to rewrite a sentence in active voice Learn how to convert passive voice to active voice in 3 easy steps
writing tips Casual or conversational? A guide to writing formality Written English has 3 levels of formality. Learn what they are, and when to use them.
paraphrasing How to make your sentences longer (without adding fluff) Under word count? Learn how to make your sentences longer (and stronger)
paraphrasing How to rewrite a sentence without changing its meaning Is your sentence clunky, repetitive, or just plain boring? Learn how to rewrite it, without changing its meaning.
writing tips How to decrease your word count, without ruining your point. Here's our comprehensive guide to writing shorter sentences, without affecting the strength of your argument